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Parliament is the centre of politics of the Burgue. It convenes in Balefire Hall on King's Hill on the north bank of The Burgue. Members of Parliament are elected representatives of the citizens of The Burgue's numerous precincts.



The Burguish Parliament is a bicameral representative body that governs the Republic of The Burgue. The Outer Chamber of Parliament serves as an elected legislature that is responsible for local affairs, and in turn appoints some of its members to the Inner Chamber, an executive body that oversees national and foreign policy. Parliament also elects one of its members as Chancellor, who leads both Parliament and the entire Republic. The Chancellor is typically the leader of whichever party holds the majority. The leader of the minority party holds the title of Proctor.


Members of Parliament are part of one of two main political parties. The Commonwealth Party, led by Chancellor Absalom Breakspear, is a somewhat progressive party that advocates tolerance of Fae immigrants and was also a proponent of continuing the Second Tirnanese War against the Quivira-Cibola Pact, which has occupied all of Tirnanoc. The Hardtackers, a newer faction formed from a patchwork of smaller groups by Proctor Ritter Longerbane, is a traditionalist party that despises the Fae and supported the Republic of The Burgue's withdrawal from the war. Most recently, the Commonwealth Party holds a narrow majority in Parliament, allowing Absalom Breakspear to serve as Chancellor. That majority was once greater, but eroded over the years after the war as anti-Fae resentment rose in the Republic and the Hardtackers made gains in elections.


One of The Burgue's oldest laws is that any Burguish citizen in good standing has the right to address Parliament about any issue that concerns the well-being of the people of The Burgue. This law is not commonly invoked in modern times, but it is no less effective for that. When a citizen demands to address Parliament, all members are required to attend and debate the address. However, the citizen must also take care to follow formal etiquette when they speak, or risk Parliament halting the proceedings and ejecting them for bad form.

Members of Parliament[]

Commonwealth Party[]

