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Carnival Row Wiki

"Kindred" was the seventh episode of the second season of Carnival Row.


Torn between his Human and Fae sides, Philo makes a choice.


Main Cast[]

Guest Starring[]

  • Andrew Buchan as Mikulas Vir


  • Bethany Adams as Vegetable Seller
  • Amrou Al-Kahdi as Zephyr
  • Waj Ali as Constable Berwick
  • Jan Arnost as Faun Mugger
  • Alex Asikainen as Drunken Reveler #1
  • Varney Blamah as Constable Tyndall
  • Jacqueline Boatswain as Mima Blodwen
  • David Bowles as New Dawn Corporal
  • Matouš Brinchín as Pix Mugger
  • Daniel Brown as Sour Faun
  • Bibisara Butorin as Burguish Citizen #1
  • Brian Caspe as Nigel Winetrout
  • Kevin Michael Clarke as Constable Allerton
  • Paul Coltofeanu as Chopper #4
  • Paul Dean as Mosley
  • Alyssa Dillard as Burguish Citizen #4
  • Karel Dobrý as Pact Ambassador Anrep
  • Štĕpán Dostal as Drunken Reveler #2
  • Robin Finesilver as Faun Mugger Leader
  • George Georgiou as Kastor
  • Janek Gregor as Geza
  • Ryan Hayes as Constable Thatch
  • Peter Hosking as Martyrite Priest
  • Fraser James as Erasmus Fletcher
  • Monika Foris Kvasnickova as Weaker Bas Dubh Pix
  • Carla Langley as Zelina
  • Simon Mestdagh as Youth Chopper
  • Eve Ponsonby as Phaedra
  • Stewart Scudamore as Boz Ghaidos
  • Magdalena Šittová as Kinga
  • Enzo Squillino Jr. as Polsted
  • Ruby Telfer as Burguish Citizen #2
  • Cal Telfer as Burguish Citizen #3
  • Seam Turay as Chopper #3
  • Isabel Volava as Roisin
  • Tracey Wilinson as Afissa
  • Dafydd Wyn Richards as Chopper #2
  • Daniel Zappi as Ivor


In Ragusa, the resident celebrate Revolution Day. Agreus Astrayon and Imogen Spurnrose do their best to fit in and not seem suspicious. They spend time with Kastor, and even encourage Ezra Spurnrose to join in so as not to blow their planned escape. Agreus and Ezra talk to their contact about smuggling them out in a ship's bilge; it will be tighter than they wanted but doable. However, their plan comes apart when Ragusa comes under attack from The Pact using airships. Everyone in Ragusa is ordered to fight to defend the city.

In The Burgue, Rycroft Philostrate, Sergeant Dombey, and Constable Berwick leave Bleakness Keep with the intention of trying to stop the sparas. As they travel through the city, they see demonstrations on the street due to the death of the Chancellor and the growing desire to burn down Carnival Row. During the ride, Dombey appears to be softening towards Philo due to his actions in saving his life.

Returning to the Row, Philo meets with Darius Prowell and fills him in on the details and the fact that a sparas is responsible. Philo decides that he needs to keep away from Vignette Stonemoss and admits that he picked the wrong side.

Vignette and Tourmaline Larou head to Boz Ghaidos' fight club, intent on buying passage out of The Burgue. However, Boz refuses to help because of the money that the Black Raven have cost him. Vignette tells him that she is not with the Raven any more and offers to pay up front. But since she is not under the Raven's protection anymore, Boz tries to collect the bounty on her head but the two faeries manage to escape. Away from Boz, Vignette and Tourmaline learn that Tirnanoc is free; The Pact have withdrawn all their forces to fight The New Dawn and the fae homeland is now free.

Philo gets drunk in a pub, and is approached by fae looking to start a fight with him. Philo lets them beat him until he is saved by Darius. Philo has a moment of self-reflection and recimination for his decision. Darius gets Vignette to talk to Philo, but all he does is agree that Vignette and Tourmaline need to leave.

Philo starts to investigate the sparas and needs to talk to Runyan Millworthy. He goes to the funeral service of the Chancellor where he learns about The Pact's issues in their homeland. Philo talks to Runyon about solving all their problems and arranging passage to Tirnanoc for all the fae. Runyon agrees, and Philo relays the plan to Vignette and Tourmaline. Two ships will be used to start with, followed by others. The sick would get priority on the ships.

As news of the plan and Tirnanoc's freedom spreads, celebrations erupt on the Row. Darious and Tourmaline talk about the future, and Tourmaline says Darius should join them in Tirnanoc. He refuses, because there are too many ghosts for him in Tirnanoc and despite everything, The Burgue is his home.

Vignette and Afissa begin the process of moving the sick to be loaded onto the first boat. Afissa is worried since she was born and raised in The Burgue and this life is all she has known. Tourmaline bids farewell to Mima Blodwen, happy to be seemingly escaping the death she saw coming for her. But the Mima looks uneasy at the prospect. A long procession leaves the Row heading for the docks, watched by Philo. Vignette pleads with him to come with them. As the fae head to the docks, they are verbally abused by the residents of The Burgue.

At the docks, Constable Berwick confronts Philo since he realises that Philo never intended to go after the sparas, and was instead working to help the fae. They talk about being proud and decent, and Berwick can't believe that Philo would do this after everything.

As the fae wait to board, Kaine leads the Black Raven in an attack on the ships, firebombing them and destroying any chance the fae had of leaving The Burgue. The sparas joins the fray on the Black Raven's side as The Burgue fights back. Panic and chaos engulf the docks. During the skirmish, Berwick has Kaine at gunpoint, calling on him to surrender. The sparas lands behind him, engulfs him in its wings and kills him while Philo tries to reach him.
