Carnival Row Wiki

Bagstock is a lodger at Mrs. Fyfe's boarding house.


Season One[]

Bagstock was taking dinner with Mr. Grayson and Mrs. Fyfe when Inspector Rycroft Philostrate arrived twenty minutes late and was still served his food. Bagstock complained that the rules had been broken while Mrs. Fyfe countered that the least she could was give the inspector a little leeway on account of him trying to keep the city safe. Bagstock nevertheless claimed it was favouritism.[1] The next morning, Bagstock complained that Mrs. Fyfe was late with breakfast and he would be late for work.[2]


Season One[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Season 1, Episode 01: Some Dark God Wakes
  2. Season 1, Episode 02: Aisling